Viola bows

Baroquebows | Img0181 groot scaled

Copy of an early, c.a. 1685 baroque bow, probably Italian, with a separate frog. Without the frog the  stick has no curve. Only after tensioning it, it gets an outward curvature: approx 50-52 grams

Baroquebows | DSC9921

High Baroque bow from somewhere  around 1740. Everything (stick, frog and button) made from snakewood. It weighs circa  55-59 grams.

Baroquebows | 9 dubbel e1727965218590

Classical bow, c.1770, based on an original for violin. The stick is ironwood, the frog and button are mastodon: 56-60 grams.

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Early Romantic bow, probably Vienna 1800-20 with a snakewood stick. It is longer and a little heavier than the previous bows. The frog and button are mastodon, the stick is snakewood.
Weight: ca. 63 grams. A great bow for playing Mendelssohn and Beethoven!

Baroquebows | 10 dubbel

Modern bow after Peccatte with ironwood stick. Weight: 72-74 grams.