Cello bows

Cello baroque bow snakewood

My idea of a late baroque bow for violoncello. The stick, frog and button are made from snakewood. It weighs about 74-78 grams.

Cello baroque bow in snakewood and mastodon

My idea of a late baroque bow for violoncello. The stick is made from snake wood, frog and button mastodon. It weighs about 75-80 grams.

Baroquebows | 13 dubbel

Classical bow, around 1770. The stick is made from ironwood, frog and button are from mastodon, the weight is between 75-80 grams.
This is a great bow for Mozart, Haydn and Kraft.

Dodd cello bow

A copy of a Dodd bow for violoncello. Surprisingly the stick of the original bow is made from snakewood. The frog and button from ebony.